3 Powerful Tips to Reach Your 2020 Goals

1. Say It Loud and Proud


The more you say your goals aloud, the more you anchor them to the forefront of your mind, making it more likely that you navigate towards them on a daily basis. By sharing them with friends, family, and peers, you create accountability. Those trusted key people will be there along the way to ask how you are doing and encourage you to continue moving forward. So, speak (and shout!) your goals into existence watch them become a reality.

2. Write it Down / Make a Plan


After you set your goals for this year, set aside some time to write them down and how you will achieve them. The "how" is critical here! Write down your end-goal, then map out the steps that will take you there. Break it down into months, weeks, and even days, and get as detailed as possible. Congratulations, now you have the blueprint to your success!

3. Take it One Day at a Time


Be prepared... reaching big goals isn't easy. A surefire way to lock up and get anxious is by putting it all on your plate at once. Remember tip #2 when you broke down your goal into smaller timelined steps? Stick to them and do your best to focus on the step you're on. Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, worthwhile goals won't be, either. And remember, setbacks will happen. If and when you fail, just pick up where you left off and take it one day at a time. You got this!


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